
Bruce Korte

May 1, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Click on the picture above

Bruce Korte has been with us for the past 7 months and experienced great improvements while training with Taylor Green. Bruce dropped 30 pounds of total body fat. His body measurements have also greatly improved. His chest measurement went down 4.5″, hips went down 3.5″, and his waistline dropped by 4 inches. His body fat percentage when he first started was at 27%, now Bruce is happy to say that his body fat percentage is down to 14 1/2 percent. Bruce’s male percentage ranking of body fat was ranked at 17% when he first started and now his body fat is ranked at 88% for his age. One of the best results that Bruce has experienced was in his pants size which dropped from 38 inches down to 32 inches.

Exercise and Eating Properly – Part of My Life Now!”

Being a Business owner for many years I have seen the economy rise and fall similar to my weight. I figured the quicker I lost my weight and got myself back into shape the quicker the economy would recover. I thought maybe investing in myself would give me a better return than the market could. I finally got something right!

I like probably many people my age have gone through the years raising children and gradually turning into the blob we now are. Eating those burgers and fries at the ballpark and watching your kids get exercise instead of you takes its’ toll. Looking in the mirror daily you don’t notice it. Then you start looking at family pictures and you say “What the heck happened?”

One day I was reading the Osprey Observer and I saw Rob’s Ad. I recognized the person that had written a testimonial. I went to his website and then recognized one of his trainers (Taylor) as being a friend of my daughter in high school. Little “T” at that time! It was a sign to get motivated. I called Rob at RobZFitness to set up an appointment to evaluate me. His evaluation told me right away where I was at physically. Rob is a very nice person and I only caught him snickering once!

I have always been very active but have never had the best eating habits. If I started to get to heavy I would just NOT eat. Wow have I learned that was a mistake. I lost my “scale” weight but at the expense of muscle tone not fat. I quickly discovered that Rob’s way of eating AND training is the key to developing your body into what you want. After going through the initial three months your lifestyle changes completely. Your eating habits and exercise become a part of your daily routine.

At the age of 49 but stuck with a mind that says I’m 30 it is much easier and safer to attempt the activities I do in the best shape possible. Exercise and eating properly is definitely part of my life now. I’m trying to live by Rob’s favorite quote “Train to Gain, Not Maintain”. In other words I’ll always be a work in progress.

I want to thank Taylor especially for putting up with my whining and sometimes profanity. He made the workouts fun but at the same time exhausting. We had many laughs over the months and have become good friends. Thanks Taylor!!

Sharon Michael

April 29, 2009 by · 3 Comments 

Click on picture above to view her 3rd video testimonial

This is Sharon Michael who we have been tracking her monthly progress from the beginning and it is amazing to see her progress during these past three months. Sharon has lost 24 lbs of body fat, dropped her body fat ranking from 32.5% to 17.7% and has improved her female body fat percentage ranking from 17% to 92% and has lost many inches along the way. Click on all three of her videos as we have documented her progress since the beginning of her time training at RobZFitness.

Click on picture above to view her 2nd video testimonial

Sharon Michael has been training at RobZFitness for the past 2 months and has lost 20 pounds of scale weight and lost 12.5% body fat during this time. Overall her body fat ranking for females at her age increased from 24% to 86%.

Click on picture above to view her 1st video testimonial

Sharon Michael has been training at RobZFitness for the past one month and has seen dramatic results that are hard to achieve this early. She has lost 13 pounds of actual body fat and increased her lean muscle mass by 7 pounds resulting in 6 pounds lost of scale weigh. We know that scale weight is not a great indication of actual body fat loss, body composition is. Sharon’s effort dropped her body fat percentage ranking by 7.5% and increased her female gender ranking from 17% to 66%. Sharon’s hard efforts are really paying off. She has trained on her own for years without much improvement and now by restructuring her workout routine and nutrition she has seen great results very early training at our faciliey. Congratulations Sharon! We will see you back in another month.

Eating Quality Protein

April 27, 2009 by · 1 Comment 

Did you know that the timing of dietary protein intake affects feelings of fullness throughout the day? People who eat high-quality protein foods for breakfast had a greater sense of sustained fullness throughout the day compared to when more protein was eaten at lunch or dinner. Most Americans typically consume a relatively small amount of protein at breakfast – only about 15 percent of their total daily protein intake.

Click to view video


April 23, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Lisa Daniells – RobZFitness – 1 Month Testimonial (In Home Personal Training)

Lisa Daniels has been training with me for the past 12 visits in her home as her goal was to be able to learn to train on her Bow-flex machine after her 12 visits so she could train on her own.  After these 12 visits I am happy to report that Lisa has lost 16lbs of body fat and gained in lean weight.

One of her biggest challenges was to convince her to not think strictly about scale weight.  Body fat should be your primary focus along with getting stronger.  Lisa accomplished this in 12 visits.  Her body fat ranking for her age improved from 47% to 92%.  She is stronger, leaner has really improved her cardiovascular system.

If you are struggling with your workouts call me at (813) 571-3700 to set up your consultation in person or we can set you up with LIVE video on-line training or email me at  You can also follow me on Twitter at

David Barnes

April 20, 2009 by · 72 Comments 

Lost 40 lbs and 10% Body Fat

You will not believe the progress that David has achieved in his first 3 months here at RobZFitness unless you watch his video. This video is Davids 3 month video progress report as he shares with you his own testimony. David has lost 40 pounds and 10% body fat but better yet he has transformed his body into a slimmer and sculpted new body. (813) 571-3700

Click on link below

Bill and Eileen Mueller

March 21, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

1st Month Couple Video Testimonial

Bill and Eileen are making their 2nd visit back to RobZFitness.  After as extremely successful stint a while ago Bill and Eileen reached percentages rarely attained.  They both reached over 95+% in the body composition makeup.  That put them in the top 5% for there age group.  Now after months have passed and skipping a few workouts on their own, they decided to come back to RobZFitness and regain back and improve on what they accomplished the first time.  After one month back, they are well on their way.

Triggers for Canker Sores

March 21, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

                                                                                        Health Tip: Triggers for Canker Sores

(HealthDay News) — Canker sores are the painful white patches that appear on the insides of the cheeks, lips, gums or tongue.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine says these factors may increase your risk of getting canker sores:

  • A family history of canker sores.
  • A weakened immune system.
  • A bite on the inside of the cheek or the tongue.
  • Having dental work.
  • Stress or changes in hormone levels.
  • Deficiencies in vitamins or minerals such as iron, folic acid, or B-12.
  • Food allergies.
  • Having a viral infection.











Being obese may cut life span by about 10 years, similar to smoking: study

March 19, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Wednesday, March 18th 2009

LONDON — Being obese can take years off your life and in some cases may be as dangerous as smoking, a new study says. British researchers at the University of Oxford analyzed 57 studies mostly in Europe and North America, following nearly one million people for an average of 10 to 15 years. During that time, about 100,000 of those people died.

The studies used Body Mass Index (BMI), a measurement that divides a person’s weight in kilograms by their height squared in meters to determine obesity. Researchers found that death rates were lowest in people who had a BMI of 23 to 24, on the high side of the normal range.

Health officials generally define overweight people as those with a BMI from 25 to 29, and obese people as those with a BMI above 30.

The study was published online Wednesday in the medical journal, Lancet. It was paid for by Britain’s Medical Research Council, the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK and others.

“If you are heading towards obesity, it may be a good idea to lose weight,” said Sir Richard Peto, the study’s main statistician and a professor at Oxford University.

Peto and colleagues found that people who were moderately fat, with a BMI from 30 to 35, lost about three years of life. People who were morbidly fat — those with a BMI above 40 — lost about 10 years off their expected lifespan, similar to the effect of lifelong smoking.

Moderately obese people were 50 percent more likely to die prematurely than normal-weight people, said Gary Whitlock, the Oxford University epidemiologist who led the study.

He said that obese people were also two thirds more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke, and up to four times more likely to die of diabetes, kidney or liver problems. They were one sixth more likely to die of cancer.

“This really emphasizes the importance of weight gain,” said Dr. Arne Astrup, a professor of nutrition at the University of Copenhagen who was not linked to the Lancet study. “Even a small increase in your BMI is enough to increase your risks for cardiovascular disease and cancer.”

Previous studies have found that death rates increase both above and below a normal BMI score, and that people who are moderately overweight live longer than underweight or normal-weight people.

Other experts said that because the papers used in the study mostly started between 1975 and 1985, their conclusions were not as relevant today.

Astrup worried that rising obesity rates may reverse the steep drops in heart disease seen in the West.

“Obesity is the new dark horse for public health officials,” he said. “People need to be aware of the risks they’re taking when they gain weight.”


March 11, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Harley Gilmore’s video testimonial.  Here is a guy who struggled with his own weight for years and wasn’t looking forward to starting a workout routine with us when he started.  His daughter in law, Marie Gilmore (who has lost 115 lbs with RobZFitness) recommended him to give it a try.  The results speak for themselves today.  Harley is now down 40 lbs and is looking to drop another 18 more pounds.  He is down to his last belt loop and his attitude about everything is a breath of fresh air.  His trainer continues to challenge him and Harley now looks forward to every workout.

For more information go to or call (813) 571-3700.

Sam Lost 20lbs and 6% Body Fat

March 4, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

Click to here Sam’s Story

We enjoy nothing more than helping people achieve goals that we set out for them.  Hard work, discipline and a genuine care for every client makes us who we are.   Here is another example of a current client that is seeing great success.  Sam  has been with us for 2 months and is feeling like he hasn’t felt in YEARS!  Besides losing 20 lbs and 6% body fat Sam is experiencing his arthritis diminished greatly.  Sam’s wife Adrienne (who is one of our past testimonials clients on the front page) has dropped from a dress size 14 to an 8.  Together they have both transformed themselves and feel so much better.  

What are you doing to improve yourself? 


February 25, 2009 by · Leave a Comment 

1st Month Video Testimonial

2nd Month Video Testimonial

3rd Month Video Testimonial

Taylor Jordan

February 24, 2009 by · 25 Comments 

Taylor Jordan has been with us for one month and has lost 7% body fat along with getting stronger and leaner.  Click on the link above to here his tesimonial about training at RobZFitness.

Adrienne Rosania

January 16, 2009 by · 23 Comments 

“Dropped from a Size 14 to 8”

It was that time of year. It was time for a new bathing suit. While I worked up a sweat just trying on the bathing suits, I knew I had to do something, especially since there was no squeezing into the size 14’s that promised to make you look a size smaller. It was my “aha” moment.

I tried Weight Watchers, but it wasn’t giving me the results that I wanted to achieve. I knew about RobZFitness from reading the testimonials in the Osprey Observer. I wanted to increase my stamina, decrease my dress size, and just plain feel better. After meeting with Rob and starting to work out, I had second thoughts about what had I gotten myself into. Then I got into a routine with and with their guidance, started eating right. The workouts are killer, but fun. I don’t think I’ve ever done the same workout twice. They have inspired me to go beyond what I think I can do. When I work out on my own, I can hear them telling me “you can do it, you’re almost done, just five more.”

I never thought I would see the results I saw after the first three months. I dropped from a size 14 to size 8. Now I’m down to a size 6, have lost 24.5 lbs., and have less body fat than 90% of women my age. For the first time in five years, my doctor didn’t call and tell me that I needed to watch my cholesterol. My cousins from around the country and I have plans to meet in New York City at the end of April to run/walk a half marathon. I never thought I’d be doing that, and without learning how to train and eat properly at RobZFitness, I wouldn’t.

Thank you RobZFitness!

Adrienne Rosania

Exercise: The Ultimate Anti-Aging Pill

December 26, 2008 by · 20 Comments 

Anti-aging health care is a new field, which due to the increase in aging population, will influence human life for generations to come. Chiropractors are often the first health care professional a patient will visit with early signs of aging, such as stiff arthritic joints or aching backs. The evolution in anti-aging is perfect for the chiropractic patient, as they are already provided with adjustments, nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

One of the first recommendations is exercise. Many people assume that getting fatter, weaker and stiffer is inevitable with age. A growing body of research, however, suggests that much of the decline attributed to aging actually comes from being sedentary, and that regular exercise can help people remain healthy and independent as they get older.

An intriguing study documenting the “anti-aging” effect of physical activity comes from the adult exercise research program at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, where exercise physiologists collected data on nearly 1,000 adults who have undertaken regular exercise programs. The results show a dramatic decrease in the age drop that occurs in the normal population that does not exercise.

As many gerontologists and researchers have found, exercise is the closest thing to an anti-aging pill that exists. People who are physically fit, eat a healthy, balanced diet and take nutritional supplements can measure out to be 10 to 20 years younger biologically than their chronological age. This is what wellness is all about. A well person can be free from mental and physical disease and degeneration for years longer than an unhealthy individual. Exercise is an extremely important part of achieving this “wellness”.

The health-related benefits of exercise are:

· Improves immune system functioning.

· Weight loss

· Helps in the management of stress.

· Improves quality of sleep.

· Improves body posture.

· Reduces anxiety.

· Helps improve short-term memory.

· Helps alleviate depression.

· Helps alleviate low back pain.

· Improves mental alertness and reaction time.

· Improves physical appearance.

· Improves self-esteem.

· Decreases resting heart rate.

· Helps in relaxation.

· Sharpens dynamic vision and controls glaucoma.

· Reduces risk of developing Type II (non insulin dependent) diabetes.

· Assists in quitting smoking.

· Slows the rate of joint degeneration (osteoarthritis).

· Reduces risk of heart disease.

· Improves the body’s ability to use fat for energy during physical activity.

· Helps relieve the pain of tension headaches.

· Increases maximal oxygen uptake.

· Increases muscle strength.

· Helps preserve lean body tissue.

· Reduces risk of developing high blood pressure.

· Increases density and breaking strength of ligaments and tendons.

· Increases levels of HDL cholesterol and reduces LDL cholesterol.

· Reduces risk of developing colon cancer.

· Reduces risk of developing prostate cancer.

· Reduces risk of developing breast cancer.

· Reduces risk of developing stroke.

· Helps relieve constipation.

· Protects against “creeping obesity” — slow weight gain that occurs with age.

· Improves blood circulation, resulting in better functioning organs, including the brain.

· Increases productivity at work.

· Improves balance and coordination.

· Helps to retard bone loss as you age, thereby reducing your risk of developing osteoporosis.

· Improves general mood state.

· Helps in maintaining an independent lifestyle.

· Increases overall health awareness.

· Improves overall quality of life.

Anthony Albnao, Jr., D.C.

Albano Chiropractic Center, LLC

“Be Your Best”

2503 Hwy 60 East Valrico, Florida 33594

813-654-8400 · ·

Paul & Michelle Ayres

December 23, 2008 by · 22 Comments 


“We have realized that diets alone do not work”

Like so many married couples – life got the best of us.  We were happy going about our daily activities not thinking too much about healthy eating or living.  Three kids later and in 2006 Paul was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma sent our lives upside down.

Our daily activities and concerns shifted from running errands to making multiple doctor visits.  We focused strictly on treatments, cures and of course raising our 3 boys.  The stress took its toll and we cared even less about how we looked let alone eating right or exercising.

After two years of the battle, and Paul was healthy again, we made the commitment of getting fit.

Both of us joined RobZFitness for different reasons. Paul joined to regain his strength and rid his body of what chemotherapy and radiation treatments did. Since working out with Rob, Paul has lost over 20 pounds and has reached his fitness goals. His body is toned and he feels great!

Michelle, like so many women, being overweight not only affected my body but also my mind.  I needed to not only look better but also mentally feel better.  Having kids and caring for them took all my time.  I had to commit to make myself number one and do something for me.

Since I started working out with Taylor, I have gone from a size 12 to a size 8 and have lost over 30 pounds. I not only look better but I feel awesome! Taylor keeps me motivated and I could not do this journey without him.

We both enjoy the way we look and feel.  Family and friends definitely see the difference in us.

We have realized that diets alone do not work.  You have to physically be active and eat right to give you healthy results.  Not only have we achieved our goals, but also we are setting a good example for our boys.  We can finally keep up with them.

Thank you Rob and Taylor!

RobZFitness TV Show

December 22, 2008 by · Leave a Comment 

America’s Worst Breakfast Foods

December 12, 2008 by · Leave a Comment 

By David Zinczenko, with Matt Goulding

September 17, 2008

It’s hard to overestimate the importance of eating breakfast. Studies show that people who take time for a morning meal consume fewer calories over the course of the day, have stronger cognitive skills, and are 30 percent less likely to be overweight or obese Beyond that, people who skip breakfast are more likely to drink alcohol and smoke, and they’re less likely to exercise.

But just because breakfast is the most important meal of the day doesn’t grant you permission to go into a feeding frenzy. But that’s exactly what many of the country’s most popular breakfast joints are setting you up for, by peddling fatty scrambles, misguided muffins, and pancakes that look like manhole covers.

These foods are loaded with unhealthy fats, added sugars, and refined carbohydrates, which catapult your blood sugar, sap your energy levels, and tell your body to store fat.

To help you avoid the morning mishaps, we searched out the good, the bad, and the greasy, and uncovered some of the worst breakfast foods in America. We’ve presented a sampling of the worst offenders below. It’s like a lineup down at the local police station, except in this case, they’re all guilty as charged.

Worst Side Dish
Burger King Hash Browns (large)
620 calories
40 g fat (11 g saturated; 13 g trans)
1,200 mg sodium
60 g carbs

Yes, you’re ingesting more than a meal’s worth of calories from a side dish, but the real cause for concern here is that these little potato cakes pack seven times more trans fats than you’re supposed to eat all day! Until BK learns to cut out the partially hydrogenated oils, avoid encounters with potatoes of any kind at that fatty food joint.

Eat This Instead!
Burger King Egg & Cheese Croissan’wich
300 calories
17 g fat (6 g saturated; 2 g trans)
740 mg sodium
26 g carbs

Worst Breakfast Sandwich
Hardee’s Monster Biscuit
710 calories
51 g fat (17 g saturated)
2,250 mg sodium
37 g carbohydrates

When they say “Monster,” they mean it. This 700-calorie behemoth should be enough to scare anyone: It contains nearly a full day’s worth of sodium and saturated fat. Instead try the Sunrise Croissant with Bacon. It’s not exactly diet-friendly, but if you’re stuck at Hardee’s, it’s a way to escape without too much damage.

Eat This Instead!
Hardee’s Sunrise Croissant with Bacon
450 calories
29 g fat (12 g saturated)
900 mg sodium
28 g carbs

Worst Kids Meal
Denny’s Big Dipper French Toastix with margarine and syrup
770 calories
71 g fat (13 g saturated)
107 g carbs

As important as it is for mom and dad to eat a good breakfast each morning, it’s even more critical that their kids do. After all, breakfast affects their energy levels, metabolism, and performance in school. Better think twice before feeding them these dubious little sticks. For more healthy kids’ choices, check out Eat This, Not That! for Kids.

Eat This Instead!
Kid’s D-Zone Smiley Alien Hotcakes
340 calories
12 g fat (5 g saturated)
49 g carbs

Worst Pastry
Cinnabon Classic Cinnamon Roll
813 calories
32 g fat (5 g trans fat)
117 g carbs

You wouldn’t start your day with three brownies, would you? As far as your body knows, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing if you wake up with this cinnamon-swirled disaster area. In fact, because Cinnabon offers no healthy alternatives, you’ll have to  invite friends (or enemies?) to share the risky roll, or steer clear of Cinnabon altogether.

Worst Smoothie
Smoothie King Grape Expectations II (40 oz.)
1,102 calories
256 g sugars
740 mg sodium

Why Smoothie King would even offer a 40 oz. serving size is beyond us. With more than half the calories you need in a day and the sugar equivalent of 12 Haagen Dasz ice cream bars, this “drink” should be renamed “diabetes in a glass.” Just goes to show you the importance of drinking responsibly.

Drink This Instead!
Smoothie King Low Carb Strawberry Smoothie (20 oz.)
268 calories
3 g sugars
176 mg sodium

Worst Combo Meal
McDonald’s Deluxe Breakfast
1,360 calories
64 g fat (22 g saturated)
2,325 mg sodium
160 g carbs
49 g sugars

With four vehicles for refined carbohydrates (biscuit, hash browns, hotcakes, syrup), this “deluxe” disaster will send your blood sugar soaring. Why blow nearly an entire day’s calories under the arches, when a perfectly satisfying Egg McMuffin will save you more than 1,000 calories?

Eat This Instead!
McDonald’s Egg McMuffin with coffee
310 calories
12 g fat (5 g saturated)
820 mg sodium
30 g carbs
3 g sugars

Worst Omelet
IHOP Big Steak Omelet
1,490 calories
(No additional nutrition information available)

IHOP doesn’t provide nutritional information aside from calorie counts, but with a boatload of steak, a bucket of cheese, and handfuls of hash browns, this omelet’s fat and sodium numbers are surely just as appalling.

Eat This Instead!
IHOP For Me Garden Scramble
440 calories

The Worst Breakfast in America
Bob Evans Stacked and Stuffed Caramel Banana Pecan Hotcakes
1,543 calories
77 g fat (26 g saturated; 9 g trans)
2,259 mg sodium
198 g carbs
109 g sugars

It’s not a good sign when it takes you nearly five seconds to spit out the name of your breakfast. This bad boy packs in more than 75 percent of your calories for the day, along with more sugar and fat than nine glazed Dunkin’ Donuts, and nearly as much sodium as five Bloody Marys.

Eat This Instead!
3 Scrambled Egg Beaters with 2 slices of bacon and fresh fruit
314 calories
19.5 g fat (5 g saturated)
700 mg sodium
21 g carbs
18 g sugars

**FREE** Body Fat Tests

December 12, 2008 by · Leave a Comment 

Title: **FREE** Body Fat Tests
Location: RobZFitness
Start Time: 09:00
Date: 2008-12-19
End Time: 10:00

**FREE** Body Fat Tests

December 12, 2008 by · 5 Comments 

Title: **FREE** Body Fat Tests
Location: RobZFitness
Start Time: 17:00
Date: 2008-12-15
End Time: 18:00

Closed for Christmas

December 12, 2008 by · 21 Comments 

Title: Closed for Christmas
Location: RobZFitness
Start Time: 00:00
Date: 2008-12-25
End Time: 23:30

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Dan Wren - Video Testimonial

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Nevada Smith - Video Testimonial

David Barnes - Video Testimonial

Monica Alvidrez - Video Testimonial

Bob Hendryx - Video Testimonial

Sharon Michael - Video Testimonial
