5 ways to lose it for good
June 19, 2017 by RobZ
It’s easy enough to lose a few pounds for a short period of time, only to gain it back. It’s much harder to achieve long-term fat loss.
However, you know people who appear to be permanently in beach-ready shape, so it is possible to be lean for life. This begs the question: how can you lose the weight for good?
The answer to this quandary is not found in a single habit or action, but rather in the following 5 Lean for Life Habits…
Lean for Life Habit #1: Reimagine Yourself
Up until now you’ve accepted the shape that you are in, and even if you hate it, you’re comfortable with it. Read that again to make sure it sinks in. You are comfortable with the body that you have right now, and until you decide it’s no longer comfortable then you’ll be stuck in the shape that you currently have.
Now spend time reimagining yourself leaner. Really let that new image sink in until you’re more comfortable with it than you are with the image of your current body. Rinse and repeat. The clearer you can see and feel and imagine yourself in a lean body, the more urgency and desire you will create to achieve and maintain it.
Lean for Life Habit #2: Break Up With Sugar
Look, Sugar, we have to break up. It’s not you; it’s me. Sure, we’ve had some good times. You’ve tickled my sweet tooth and pleased my taste buds, but loving you is a double-edged sword that leaves me heavy and out of shape. So this is it, we are through!
As silly as that sounded, your relationship with sugar is holding you back from living in a lean for life body. It’s not only refined sugar that is messing with your body composition; in order to be lean for life you’ll also need to manage your intake of natural sugars.
The good news is that every day spent without sugar will make the next day that much easier and your cravings will become that much weaker. Stay strong and soon you’ll be more than happy with the occasional sweet treat rather than the all-day sugar drip that’s sabotaging your swimsuit dreams.
Lean for Life Habit #3: Forget Dieting
Going on a “diet” implies a start and end date, but if you really want to change your body composition for good then there is no end to your healthy lifestyle. It’s a marathon of adapting to healthier (and healthier!) habits to maintain for the rest of your life. The day that you stop trying is the day that your body reverts to it’s old (less svelte) shape.
Don’t worry, the more time that you get under your belt with healthy living, the easier it becomes. Soon your lean for life habits will feel like a normal day – just as your current habits feel like a normal day now. The key is to stick with it until the habits fully stick, and to vigorously fight the urge to give up.
Lean for Life Habit #4: Plan Your Cheats
Being lean for life doesn’t mean swearing off pizza and ice cream for the rest of your days. (Thank goodness!) On the contrary, you’ll find that planned cheat meals of your favorite foods are more enjoyable than ever before. The key is that you will be planning your cheat meals in advance and containing the excitement to one sitting each week.
The fun thing about enjoying a cheat meal while living a lean lifestyle is that there is absolutely zero guilt associated with the pleasure. Most of us experience twinges of guilt associated with most of our meals, because in the back of our mind is the thought that we should really be eating healthier in order to lose the weight that we have yet to lose. Once you’ve lost the fat and are actively living a lean life those cheat meals will be 100% pleasure!
Lean for Life Habit #5: Be Part of a Fitness Family
Belonging to a group of fellow fitness enthusiasts is key to making and maintaining your body transformation. Being fit is easier achieved in a supportive and encouraging group, rather than alone. The accountability provided from your fitness peers will save you from missing workouts and will get you to push yourself to try harder.
One of the most gratifying parts of being in a fitness family is the day when your support makes an impact on a new member. To give the encouragement that was given to you is a special moment that will stick with you, and will recommit you to your fitness lifestyle.
I have created a fitness family here at RobZFitness that thousands of people have been successful that I’d love for you to join. Call me at (813) 571-3700 or email Rob@RobZFitness.com today to see how you can find your place here with us!
Talk to you soon!
– RobZ
Meeting Your Fitness Goals
June 12, 2017 by RobZ
Meeting Your Fitness Goals
Do you have unmet goals?
You aren’t alone. In fact, most of us live with unfulfilled aspirations, which is why the self-help industry is booming.
Unfortunately, many widely used self-help techniques fail to deliver results.
Case in point: You’ve probably heard of the “Yale Goal Study” where researchers were said to have interviewed the graduating Yale seniors in 1953, asking whether or not the students had written down specific goals that they wanted to achieve. Then twenty years down the road the researchers looked up each student and discovered that the 3% of the class who had written down their goals had accumulated more personal wealth than the other 97% combined.
Very compelling story, but complete fiction.
The “Yale Goal Study” never happened, though motivational speakers and self-help books have quoted it for years.
Best selling author and psychologist Richard Wiseman went on a mission to craft a no-nonsense response to the bogus self-help techniques. Using a diverse range of scientific data he uncovered a proven approach to achieve any goal
The following 5 successful techniques (Do This) and 5 unsuccessful techniques (Not That) are from Wiseman’s book, 59 Seconds Change Your Life in Under a Minute.
Do This: Make a Step-by-Step Plan.
If you are serious about achieving your goal, then you need to create a step-by-step plan on how to do it.
Successful goal-achievers break down their overall goal into sub-goals. Each sub-goal needs to be concrete, measurable and time-based.
Not That: Motivate yourself by focusing on someone that you admire.
Studies show that focusing on someone you admire is not a strong enough motivator to see you through your goal.
Do This: Tell Other People About Your Goal.
How badly do you want to achieve your goal? If you want it bad enough, you’ll tell your friends and family.
This technique works on two levels. First, you’ve put yourself on the spot by letting the world in on your goal, so it’s all-eyes-on-you. Failure would be public. Second, your friends and family are there to offer support and encouragement. Don’t underestimate the psychological power of having someone in your corner.
Not That: Think about the bad things.
When you focus on the negative it becomes your reality.
Do This: Focus on the Good Things When Achieving Your Goal.
Remind yourself of the benefits associated with achieving your goal.
Make a checklist of how life will be better once you have achieved your aim. This gets your focus on a positive future, one that’s worth the effort.
Not That: Try to suppress unhelpful thoughts.
Rather than trying to erase that image of chocolate cake from your mind, learn to deal with the reality of temptation head-on.
Do This: Reward Your Progress.
Studies show that attaching rewards to each of your sub-goals encourages success.
Your rewards should never conflict with your major goal. When aiming to lose weight, never use food as a reward.
Not That: Rely on willpower.
Willpower alone rarely gets anyone to their goal.
Do This: Record Your Progress.
Make your plans, progress, benefits and rewards concrete by expressing them in writing.
Use a hand-written journal, your computer or a bulletin board to chart your progress. This process is priceless for maintaining motivation.
Not That: Fantasize about life after achieving your goal.
Daydreaming is fun, but simply fantasizing about your new life will not make it a reality.
Are you ready to achieve your fitness and weight loss goal once and for all? Call (813) 571-3700 or email me at Rob@RobZFitness.com now to get started on the process that will put an end to your yo-yo dieting and your fat jeans.
Now is your time to get into the best shape of your life.
Book your FREE Fitness Evaluation TODAY!!!
Call (813) 571-3700
McKenzie Morris
June 11, 2017 by RobZ
We are happy to introduce McKenzie Morris to our fitness team as a morning bootcamp instructor at RobZFitness.
Mackenzie was raised in Valrico where she graduated from Durant High School, then the University of South Florida where she cheered all four years.
She has been a personal trainer since 2011, previously teaching boot camps and training individual clients.
Previously a teacher at Newsome high school where she was the head cheer coach and sponsor for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Married to Will Morris and mother to one year old boy.
They attend Access Church.
In addition to spending time with her family, Mackenzie enjoys being outdoors and traveling.
7 reasons you aren’t losing weight
June 9, 2017 by RobZ
Weight loss is often a frustrating pursuit, eluding even those who eat healthy and exercise. So what gives? Why won’t the scale budge even as you put out tremendous effort?
Read on for the 7 reasons that most fitness and health food lovers don’t lose the pounds that they want to…
1. You Don’t Sleep Enough
Let’s start with the most rampant problem standing in the way of your fat loss. Most adults simply do not get adequate sleep to support weight loss. There is a scientific reason for this, and it has everything to do with hormone levels. While you sleep your cortisol levels decline while your growth hormone levels increase. This balance is essential for fat loss to occur.
So skipping on Zzzz’s will throw your hormones into fat storing mode, while simultaneously causing you to feel hungrier and encouraging you to eat more calories.
2. You Eat TOO MUCH Healthy Food
Yes, my friend, there is such thing as TOO MUCH healthy food. When it comes to weight gain, extra calories can come from just about anywhere before landing on your waistline – even from healthy foods. Sure, it will take you longer to gain weight by overeating roasted chicken and sweet potato than it would ice cream and chips, but the extra pounds will still add up.
Control your portions, even of healthy foods, in order to make strides in your body transformation journey.
3. You Don’t Drink Enough Water
Most of us are walking around in a state of partial dehydration everyday. In addition to being dangerous for all of your major body organs, dehydration is perilous for fat loss. Not only does water serve as an appetite suppressant to fill your stomach and prevent you from overeating, thirst is often mistaken for hunger pains, leading to extra calories consumed and stored as fat.
By sipping on water throughout the day you’ll avoid dehydration and will find it easier to move the number on your scale in a favorable direction.
4. You Eat Out Too Much
Restaurant meals are higher in calories than meals prepared and eaten at home – across the board. There is simply no way around it, and even if you consciously attempted to eat small portions while eating out it would be quite difficult to do. Restaurant food is created with consumer satisfaction in mind, and this means adding fats and sugars and salt to many of the menu items in order to produce the tastiest food possible! Unfortunately the tastiest is also quite often the most fattening.
Want more fat loss? Make simple, wholesome meals at home and eat with portion control.
5. You Don’t Get Enough Protein or Fiber
Protein and fiber are the golden tickets to fat loss, but sadly your diet doesn’t contain nearly enough of it. It’s natural to enjoy the flavors of sugar, fat and carbs more than protein and fiber, and that’s why your diet is filled with more of these than it should be. While sugar, fat and carbs taste better than protein and fiber, these lead to dreaded weight gain.
Consciously plan your meals around a base of protein and fiber, and then add in just enough complex carbs and healthy fats to keep it well rounded. Save the bulk of your sugar, fat and simple carb consumption for planned cheat meals in order to prevent ongoing weight gain.
6. Your Diet is Filled with Packaged Foods
I’m not talking about cookies and candies, because you know better than that. I’m talking about packaged protein bars, granola, crackers, rice cakes, protein cookies, and the plethora of packaged health foods that you have stashes of. Sure, these packaged foods may be healthier than snacks from a vending machine, but in the grand scheme of your fat loss, the fewer packaged items the better when it comes to shedding pounds. Even the healthiest of packaged foods contain ingredients that are modified or processed, in order to preserve the shelf life, and these ingredients have a negative impact on your waistline.
Real, natural and whole always beats packaged. Take inventory of your daily diet and eliminate the packaged foods so that it’s no longer an everyday occurrence.
7. Your Workouts are Too Easy
Going through the motions at the gym simply doesn’t cut it when you want to transform your body. Most people want to stay as comfortable as possible at all times, and this usually means treading lightly through their workout, rather than going all in. And while putting your body through the motions of exercise is better than sitting on the couch, it certainly won’t result in a sculpted body.
Rate your perceived exertion in your last workout from 1 to 10. If it falls below an 8 then your workout is in need of a serious revamp. I can help you with that! Call (813) 571-3700 or email Rob@RobZFitness.com today to get started on my fat blasting exercise program.
I’m here to help you achieve the body of your dreams. Don’t let another month pass you by – take action by calling or emailing me now to get started!
Body Transformation Is My Specialty
May 22, 2017 by RobZ
Do you have unmet goals?
There are few things as inspirational as a stunning before and after picture. To see how the human body can dramatically transform is simply incredible!
Have you ever thought about creating your own before and after picture?
While the initial photos are certainly not fun to take, I’d like to share why I believe this is just what you’ve been missing to achieve the fit body you’ve always wanted.
Here’s why you should take before pictures…
- You get fired up! Pulling on the bathing suit and standing in front of a camera may feel a bit like standing in front of a firing squad, but this simple act will light a fire within you. By having a starting off point for your transformation, you’re now on the path to improvement. The journey has begun!
- You accurately track progress. One of the biggest frustrations that clients have when they start working towards a fitness goal is how slowly their weight drops. Losing fat and gaining muscle doesn’t always show up on the scale, and so it’s important not to allow the scale to dictate your success. Instead, get back into that bathing suit every 30 days for updated pictures. After 90 days you will have 4 photos to arrange side-by-side, showing the progress of your transformation. Photos are undeniable proof that your body is losing fat, gaining muscle and transforming into something spectacular!
- You stay on the program. Knowing that there is another photo date coming up may be all the extra motivation you need to stay on your healthy eating and exercise program. When temptation hits you’ll think about the way that you will look in that bathing suit and the evolution that you want the pictures to show. Each picture will be more attractive than the next!
- You have an incredible story to share! Sharing your before and after pictures, once you have achieved your goal, is a special way to motivate others to begin their own fitness journey. Your handful of pictures will show the progression of fat loss, muscle development and confidence in a way that words simply cannot describe. I can’t wait to see yours!
I’m here to take you from your before to your after. Body transformation is my specialty – call (813) 571-3700 or email Rob@RobZFitness.com today to get started!.