Get it All in 2017
January 8, 2017 by RobZ
Best. Exercise. Ever.
Don’t just skim down to see which exercise I’ve labeled as the best, get the whole story…
I’m often approached and asked to pin down a single exercise as the one that will help lose the most fat and tone the quickest. That’s not an easy question to answer.
You see, I’m very aware of the fact that though an exercise may be perfect for Cindy, it may not be the best choice for Bob—hence my hesitation to label any exercise as the universal best.
That being said, some exercises are definitely better than others. And, yes, there are even a few that I would call the best.
What makes an exercise the best?
When you decide which exercises to include in your routine, it is important to consider the type of movement involved. The simpler the movement, the fewer calories you’ll burn and the fewer muscles you will strengthen. On the other hand, the more complex the movement, the more calories you will burn and the more muscles you will strengthen.
To put it simply, exercises that use complex movements will deliver better results than exercises that use only simple movements. Complex movements recruit multiple muscles, some to stabilize and others to perform the movement. This process keeps your heart rate higher than a simple exercise would, giving you a more intense workout.
What is a complex movement?
A complex movement is a multi-joint movement that recruits large portions of the body to complete the exercise. Let’s compare a simple movement leg exercise with a complex movement leg exercise:
The leg extension machine uses a simple, isolated movement to work the quadriceps. You’re in a seated position moving only your knee joint. There isn’t much involvement, if any, from other muscles and it doesn’t burn very many calories.
Now let’s look at a free weight walking lunge. You start by standing with your feet together and a dumbbell in each hand at your sides (or a barbell across your shoulders, or a medicine ball held at your chest, or even with no weight at all). You take a large step forward and lower your back knee, keeping your front knee at a 90 degree angle. Now you push off your front foot and pull your back leg forward, repeating the movement.
How many muscles did you utilize while performing the lunge? Probably too many to count.
You certainly worked your quadriceps, gluteus, hamstrings, calves, abdominals, supporting muscles in your shoulders, arms and back—just to name a few. You also raised your heart rate and really kicked your metabolism into high gear. That’s what I call a great exercise.
Other ways to increase intensity
Using complex movements are just one of many ways to kick your workout intensity up a notch. Try incorporating a Super Set into your routine. To do so simply perform two or more exercises in a row and then take a short rest.
Or how about a Compound Set? Perform one exercise, rest, then perform an exercise with opposing body parts. To find exercises that compliment one another, choose ones that have similar but opposite motions such as a chest press and a row.
The key to finding the best exercise is to find the ones that bring your workout intensity to a whole new level.
I’d be shortchanging you if I named any exercise as the best. The fact of the matter is that it is a combination of changing your workouts up, using interval training, and even some good old cardio that will ultimately see you to your goal.
These methods will help you to burn more calories, increase your metabolic rate, and will stimulate the production of more fat burning and muscle toning hormones. Of course, there is more involved to achieving your fitness goals.
You need to incorporate fat burning into your routine.
You need to consistently challenge yourself during workouts.
You need to take control of your eating habits and to get your diet dialed in.
So what’s the best exercise for you? Find out—call (813) 571-3700 or email today to schedule your no obligation free fitness consultation.
Janet and Chely
December 21, 2016 by RobZ
1st Month Video Testimonial
Janet and Chely have been working at RobZFitness for the past month. Their results blew me away…
Janet is down 18.5lbs of body fat and has increased her lean weight by 2.5lbs. So overall her scale weight is down 15.5lbs and overall dropped 5% body fat during her first month. Janet’s best news came when her doctor said her blood pressure in now normal.
Chely is down 16.5lbs of body fat and has increased her lean weight by 6.5lbs. So overall her scale weight is down 10.0lbs and overall dropped 7.5% body fat during her first month.
If you want results like Janet and Chely schedule your FREE fitness consultation with me at (813) 571-3700 or drop me an email at and let’s see if my program is right for you.
Change Lifestyle to Get Fit
December 11, 2016 by RobZ
It happens to everyone. That moment when you realize that it’s time to do something about your weight.
It may happen when you’re looking in the mirror or standing on the scale.
Your first thought is to go on a ‘diet’ but as quickly as that enters your mind the ghosts of a hundred diets past return…along with all the frustration.
Then you wonder, why bother?
The weight will come back, as it always has. Then you’ll be back in front of the mirror as discouraged as ever.
The answer is not to go on another diet.
The answer is to change your lifestyle.
Making the Change. It’s time to lose your ‘all or nothing’ mentality. Embrace simple, small changes that will add up to big improvements in your lifestyle. These are your main venues for change:
What You Eat. Let’s face it, most of the foods you eat aren’t the healthiest. Some are downright terrible (the burger and fries you had last week). While others are simply excessive (the snacks you eat while watching TV).
The solution to cleaning up your daily diet is NOT to go back on a ‘diet’. In fact, I never want you to go on a ‘diet’ again. (Yes, you heard me right!) Instead I want you to make permanent healthy changes to your eating habits.
Here are some practical examples for the majority of you:
- Choose salad over chips or fries
- Don’t add butter to your food
- Eat fresh produce with every meal
- Purchase fat free dairy products
- Limit desserts to one or two per week
- Cut out mindless snacking
- Drink water, not soda
For most of you, I don’t expect you to eat a perfect diet every day of the week – that’d be ludicrous. You should, however, make MORE healthy choices every day than unhealthy ones.
How You Move. Exercise is a huge component to a healthy lifestyle, and quite frankly you’re not getting enough of it. How often does an entire week go by without you ever lacing up your tennis shoes? Don’t disregard the importance and power of a good workout.
Your new healthy lifestyle means exercising on most days of the week. This may seem tough, but I have the perfect solution – my training programs were created for busy people just like you who only have so much time to dedicate to exercise.
I understand how hard it is to find the motivation to stay consistent and to push yourself. Make exercise a no-brainer-contact me to get started on a lifestyle enhancing program today.
Here are simple ways to move more:
- Watch less TV
- Stretch stiff muscles every day
- Play at the park with the kids
- Go for a jog
- Do some pushups every morning
While none of the above are meant as substitutes for a solid exercise routine, they are great ways to become more active and to improve your lifestyle.
Your lifestyle is the balance of all the choices that you make regarding your body. Swing the balance in your favor-make a majority of your choices health conscious.
So the next time you’re in front of the mirror you won’t worry about your weight.
You’ll relish it.
Are you ready to transform your lifestyle and body? Call me at (813) 571-3700 or email me today at to get started on a training program that is right for you!
Ruben Saucedo
October 24, 2016 by RobZ
Lost 15lbs, lowered Blood Pressure in 1st Month
Give it up for Ruben this morning as he has lost 15lbs of body fat after his first month of training at RobZFitness. More importantly after telling me when he signed up he was about to go on blood pressure medicine with a BP reading of 142/94 now it’s down to 124/84 after his wife, who is a nurse, recently took his reading. Ruben has also lost 1″ around his chest, 3″ around his waist, 1″ around his thigh and he improved his body composition from 5% to 24% for men in their 40’s. I’m so proud of his quick changes so far especially since he arrives at 5:00am to get this done. There are no excuses when you dedicate yourself to making changes happen.
Call me or text me at (813) 610-9933 right now if you want results like Ruben. Don’t wait, do it right now. Commit yourself to a new you. You owe it to yourself to turn your life around.
Four Ways to Shape Body by Eating Low-Carb
October 17, 2016 by RobZ
Have you ever stopped to wonder what would happen to your body if you stopped eating refined carbs?
It’s no secret that refined and processed carbs contribute to weight gain, and so reducing the amount of these in your diet would logically lead to a leaner, fitter you.
But is it true, or is it hype? And is it really worth giving up your carboholic ways?
Here’s what really goes down when you give up refined carbs.
When you stop eating simple carbs your body no longer has readily available calories to burn, and so it clicks over into burning stored fat as energy. This means that your pants will start feeling looser around your waist and thighs.
Fat burns longer and slower than simple carbs and so your energy stores will take longer to deplete. This means that you’ll find yourself skipping that afternoon pick-me-up snack and powering through until mealtime without hunger pains. You’ll also notice that it takes longer to feel hunger in the mornings after waking up, once you’ve cut the simple carbohydrates and refined sugars out of your diet.
Living on a diet of simple sugars and refined carbohydrates puts your body in a continual energy roller coaster. Right after you eat your energy is high and then, whoosh, an hour later your energy levels crash. All of that changes once you cut out those simple carbs and start burning fat as fuel. The low carb meals that you switch to are filled with nutrient dense foods that sustain your energy levels for hours at a time, saving you from that frustrating roller coaster.
Probably the most coveted of the low carb body changes…once you’ve been off of simple carbs for a few weeks your stomach will visibly become flatter. It’s a well-deserved reward and one that will keep you motivated to continue your healthier eating habits.
While eating healthy, nutritious meals is awesome, don’t forget that exercise is half of the battle when it comes to getting and staying fit. Call me at (813) 610-9933 or email me today at and we will get you started on the exercise program that will reshape your body once and for all!