Morning Workouts
December 11, 2015 by RobZ
Big Advantage To Waking Up Early And Working Out
When the sun begins peaking over the horizon, you shouldn’t be burying your head underneath a pillow, praying it will get dark and turn into night again. Instead, you should take advantage of the early hours to get in an hour of exercise. Why? Because the benefits far outweigh your desire to sleep in a bit.
Benefit #1: You’ll Lose Weight
Exercising during any time of the day is proven to help you obtain and maintain a healthy weight. However, recent research hints that exercising in the morning gives your weight-loss goal an extra push. How’s it do this? By improving your life a few ways all at once.
The first change is that working out during the first few hours of the day helps you sleep better, whereas working out in the evening can actually make it more difficult to sleep at night. Since healthy sleep habits assist your weight-loss goals, it only makes sense to want better sleep. Working out in the morning also helps your metabolism to get high early on in the day and stay there throughout your day. In addition, exercising early puts you in a healthy mindset from the moment you wake up, helping you make better decisions later in the day.
Benefit #2: You’ll Stick with It
Another reason morning workouts benefit you is the ease with which you can stick with them. Whereas it can be difficult to find time during your busy day to squeeze in exercise, making exercise the first thing you do during the day ensures you get in some calorie-burning time no matter what the rest of the day may bring.
Think you may not have the strength to stick with an early morning exercise regimen? Remember that in addition to sleeping better, early exercising gives you increased energy and gets the blood pumping throughout your body. This helps you fire on all cylinders, whether you have a big meeting coming up or have to pull a double shift at the warehouse.
Benefit #3: You’ll Get a Raise
As if an energy boost in the morning and increased metabolism weren’t reason enough for working out in the morning, this early-morning fix-all may be just what your career needs. If you’re skeptical, think about your attitude at work. Have you been down in the dumps? Too tired to go the extra mile?
Working out first thing in the morning may give you the boost you need to get past these issues. Once your boss recognizes your improved can-do attitude, your sudden willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty, and the infectious smile you carry everywhere you go, you may find yourself on the fast track to promotion. And to think-all of this just because you woke up a few minutes early for some running, weight lifting, bike riding, swimming, or calisthenics!
Creative Morning Routines
Getting your exercise every day is no easy task. Getting it in before the rest of your family is awake can be even more difficult-especially if you’ve not a morning person.
To make sure you get your fill of morning exercises, keep these tips in mind.
- Leave the car at home. Once you’ve eaten a healthy breakfast, hop on your bicycle or grab your running shoes and get to work the old-fashioned way by your own power. Just be sure to keep an extra change of clothes on hand so you don’t have to wear your sweaty outfit all day.
- Do something fun. Everyone has different interests. To make sure you get up every morning and get in some exercise, make your routine fun. Whether you prefer kayaking, bike riding, or push-ups, implement this into your early morning routine and you’ll have fun as you improve your health.
- Become specialized and start teaching. Wish there was a spinning class at 6 a.m. at your gym? Find some likeminded folks and work to become a teacher of the class. As a teacher, missing class isn’t possible, so you’ll be sure to get your routine in first thing in the morning, even when you’d rather stay in bed.
Andrew Hooker
October 7, 2015 by RobZ
Lost 61 Pounds, 19.5% Body Fat
Things were getting way out of hand. While never being consistently athletic, I treated nearly every day like a Thanksgiving binge. I’d start my mornings either with nothing to eat or feasting on whatever pastry laden goody I could find or drive 10 miles out of my way to work to buy donuts, for the office, of course. Then I’d sloth my way to lunch at whichever fast food place I craved, never avoiding the large sizes and/or multiple entrees. By the mid afternoon crash it was time for coffee and more sweets for a pick me up. Dinner time was either more fast food or a hearty home made hefty portion of whatever calorie loaded feast I’d create. Being tired and having no energy, by late evening it was time for one more junk food emotional boost, usually ice cream or popcorn and soda.
Any wonder I weighed 267 lbs at 5’9″ in my 30s? Any wonder I hated to even look in the mirror? Any wonder I was shopping for clothes in “that section.” I also managed to develop obstructive sleep apnea and borderline to just over border line high blood pressure while having heart disease in my family history. I didn’t even care if I lived or died, as long as I could eat what I wanted and be as lethargic as I felt. Crazy thing is none of that slowed my bad lifestyle down much. Hope for a better life was gone.
I had heard about Rob from a good friend several years ago, but kept putting it off out of fear and shame that I needed help. The breaking point? Getting sick of watching my three sons playing with their grandparents outside without me and the day I absolutely couldn’t take my wedding ring off. I was looking over Rob’s website yet again, When my wife, Yana, saw me, we decided to take the plunge and see Rob. We both did fitness assessments and pretty much were as low as you could go and still have a pulse. We started training with Rob, Taylor, and Sam the next week and began eating better.
I don’t even remember how much we started loosing right away, but were excited by the change as hope began to displace despair. Within about two or three months, I permanently retired “those jeans” and was back to ones I could wear over a year ago, but not long after that, I had buy another size lower and just a few weeks ago I was back into the 30s! People at work were noticing, saying my clothes were too baggy, though griping about the absence of confections and that I was not as much fun to go to lunch with anymore. I also stopped having those afternoon crashes. Next month I see my sleep doctor and I hope to be able to pack up my CPAP for good, as my numbers 4 months ago were already improving. My blood pressure is down to perfectly normal. In July, I was using the stairs to race my kids using the elevator and winning! I’m developing a confidence I don’t think I’ve ever had. Today I just did a walk/run for six miles, without stopping. To date I have lost 61 pounds of body fat, 19.5% body fat change, increased 2 lbs of lean weight, and have improved my overall health rating for my age from 2% – 73%.
Was it easy? No, but it is doable with commitment to follow the plan and to be willing to give it all you have. The team wants to help you achieve if not exceed your fitness goals and will push you hard, but are supportive at the same time. I still want to loose more extra pounds and for the first time develop some muscle tone. I am grateful to God, Rob Z, his team, my wife, and my mother. I feel like I am well on my to getting back a life I never had and becoming the man I want to be.
Andrew Hooker
Rene Trasorras
May 18, 2015 by RobZ
“Lost 22 lbs and 8.5% Body Fat”
My name is Dr. Rene J Trasorras, I am 54 years old. I have played organized sports since I was 6 years old. First baseball, then wrestling, power lifting, and for the past 25 years Judo. Up until I was 38 I was a gym rat. I decided to return to grad school and continued my studies until I had earned both a Masters and finally a Doctorate. During this time I was running my own business and raising two daughters. My conditioning began to take a back seat until I finally grew tired of the excess body fat I was carrying. My physique had stopped looking athletic long ago.
After seeing photos of myself over the past Christmas holidays I realized I had to do something. I reached out to Rob who I have known for 20 years and requested his help. On January 5th of this year I started working out at RobZFitness and followed RobZ supportive eating plan. I weighed 212 at 5’8” tall. I can tell you by following RobZ instruction and supportive eating plan I have shed 22lbs of body fat, increased 5 lbs of lean mass, dropped 8.5% body fat and bettered my overall health for my age from 9% to 55% as of March 26, 2015.
Rob taught me the secrets of proper nutrition and the power of training correctly and consistency to get back into shape. Thanks Rob, and if anyone wants a better life, call RobZFitness at 813-571-3700.
Dr. Rene J Trasorras
Week 1
April 6, 2015 by RobZ
Click picture to view video
Turkey Meatballs
March 18, 2015 by RobZ
Olive-Stuffed Turkey Meatballs
Lean, ground turkey paired with Italian seasoning and tender olives, make these meatballs something special. The key to keeping this savory meal healthy is to pair it with a side of vegetables, rather than starchy pasta.
Servings: 5
Here’s what you need…
- 20 oz Italian Seasoned Lean Ground Turkey
- 30 pitted olives
- 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 2 cloves garlic, finely minced
- Take one tablespoon of ground turkey at a time; flatten it in your hand and form around an olive to create a ball. Repeat with all of the turkey and olives.
- Heat the olive oil in a large skillet. Add the garlic and spread around the pan. Add the meatballs.
- Turn the meatballs every 3 minutes for 20 minutes of cooking. Remove once all sides are browned and the meatballs are cooked through.
- Serve on a platter with any remaining olives.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 205 calories, 12g fat, 800mg sodium, 1g carbohydrate, 0g fiber, and 20g protein.