
Dan Zane

May 11, 2011 by  

“Lost 26lbs, 10.5% Body Fat, 3.5” Waist Line”

“What sports did you play in high school and college?” Rob asked me one March morning during a workout.  “Dungeons and Dragons.” I replied.  This previous level of commitment to physical fitness is part of the reason I joined RobZFitness.  Allow me a moment to explain.

Flashback to December of 2010.  My sister’s annual Christmas visit is in full swing, the two of us are discussing a “photo excursion” vacation over shrimp cocktail and cocktails.  We decided to visit Arches National Park in Utah and Antelope Canyon in Arizona.  We’d go on hikes, take pictures and have a grand time.  We got excited about the prospect and airline tickets were soon bought.  About this time I realized this trip would require me to carry several pounds of gear for several miles.  I also realized that, although I had lost some weight by biking the previous year, I was in no shape to carry all that gear.  I needed help.  I needed direction.  I needed something I could commit to, after all, the airline tickets were nonrefundable.  Having seen Rob’s storefront, and having read a testimonial from one of his pupils at my daughters’ dance studio, I thought I’d see what he had to offer.

Being 42 years old, weighing 216 pounds, and having had a lifelong aversion to gyms, it took me a couple weeks to muster the courage before I could walk through the door.  I met Taylor that day and explained my plight.  He listened to my tale, was nonjudgmental and told me they could get me ready for my hike.  When I met Rob he reiterated Taylor’s confidence, they would have me hike ready in three months. I wasn’t so sure.  I set up my initial consultation with Rob and discovered 56.2 pounds of my 216 came from fat and 81% of men my age were in better shape than me.  This is also when Rob start pressing me to enroll in the Fight for Air Climb for Team RobZFitness.

The Climb, as I’ve come to think of it, takes place at the Bank of America building in Tampa.  Participants climb 42 stories, or 914 stairs, to raise money for the American Lung Association.  I thought of it as something other people do, not me.  Mentally I dug my heels in and told myself Rob would not get me to sign up for The Climb.  Then something shifted within.  A couple weeks after the Dungeons and Dragons comment I signed up for The Climb.  I spent the next week worrying.  I worried about being able to walk the next day.  I worried about failing.

I have a new number that will hold special meaning for the rest of my life.  That number is 12.24.  It took 12.24 minutes to climb those stairs and to realize I had become one of those other people whom I thought did The Climb.  I cannot overstate how powerfully completing The Climb affected me.  A month has passed and I still look back in wonder.  If you’ve never participated in an event like The Climb, I strongly encourage you to train and join me on Rob’s team next year.

It has been three months and this morning the scale read 195 pounds, and only 15.6% of it is fat.  I also have a new wardrobe, it seems 3.5 inches have gone missing from my waist.  I feel better, I have more energy and taking what I’ve learned from Rob and his crew I have a new commitment to physical fitness.  Can I interest anyone in a used Dungeons and Dragons set?

Burning Huge Amount of Calories

April 21, 2011 by  

To obtain or maintain a healthy weight, you’ve got to burn calories. Sometimes, though, it seems that you just can’t burn enough in the time you have to spend exercising. Wish you could make better use of the time you have working out to burn all the calories you can? No problem. With these tips, you’ll burn more calories than ever!

Hit the Water Running

Okay, you know that water makes you weigh less, and it allows you to work out even if you have painful arthritis. But did you know that water is also one of the best ways to burn calories? Simply get in the water and jog around the shallow end. Unlike your leisurely jogs in the park, a run in the water provides extra resistance that makes it much harder to run with ease. The end result? Maximum calorie loss without all the sweating!

Go to the Beach

As with water running, taking a jog or run on the beach forces your body to work harder than if you were on a treadmill or sidewalk. The shifting ground under your feet also helps strengthen your core. So you burn more calories and build more muscle, all while enjoying the beautiful beach.

Enter the Racquetball Court

How many exercises do you know of that can burn as many as 400 calories in half an hour? Yes, an intense game of racquetball can indeed get rid of that many calories. Full of sprints, direction changing, and an occasional volley that seems to last forever, racquetball is your best bet for small-court calorie burning.

Hop on the Bike

Want to burn as many calories as racquetball without having to stand up? Then it’s time to climb on a bicycle. Whether you go for a ride in the great outdoors or go with a stationary bike, a hard ride can reap the same calorie-burning benefits as racquetball. If you really push it, you can even burn more calories than your racquetball-loving friends.

Get Started Early

Wish there was a way to burn calories all day long? There is. All you have to do is squeeze your routine in before heading off to work. Sound impossible? Do a quick evaluation of your routine. What keeps you from early exercise? If it’s too hard to wake up early, turn off the television an hour earlier and go to bed so you can wake up earlier. Don’t have someone to watch the kids in the morning? Do a light workout in your living room in the morning and get to the gym in the afternoon. Even a small workout will get your heart pumping and help you burn calories throughout your day.

Always Start Warm

No matter what you plan to do in the gym, you’ll work harder and longer after a brief warm up. So instead of starting out with dumbbells in your hands, hop on a treadmill or stationary bike to get the sweat flowing. After a brief jog or bike ride, your heart will be working well, and your muscles will be warm and full of blood, ready to take on whatever you throw its way.

Do the Little Things

Big burning doesn’t always come in big packages. During your daily routine, you can take little steps that add up to burned calories. Don’t take the closest parking place, take the stairs, walk to your coworker’s office instead of calling him or her, and play air drums or air guitar to your favorite songs. Along with the other exercise-centric steps, these will give you even more calorie-burning power on a daily basis.

Joe Alvarez

April 21, 2011 by  

Month Three – Joe Alvarez (Brandon’s Biggest Loser Contestant) has lost 38 pounds now during his first 3 months training at RobZFitness. Joe has lost at total of 10% body 5″ in his chest and 7″ in his waist.

Month One – Joe Alvarez has lost 19 pounds during his first month training at RobZFitness. Joe has lost 4% body and tells you more about his progress in his first month testimonial.





































. [Read more]

Green Beans

April 19, 2011 by  

Green beans are low in calories and packed with vitamins and healthy fiber. This dish comes together quickly and the flavors are deliciously tangy.
Servings: 4

Here’s what you need:

  • 16oz fresh green beans
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 Tablespoon dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoons vinegar
  • 2 Tablespoons diced yellow onion
  • dash of salt and pepper

1.     Steam the green beans until soft, yet still with a slight crunch.

2.     In a medium bowl whisk together the remaining ingredients. Add the green beans and toss together.

3.     Transfer beans to serving dish and enjoy.

Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 38 calories, 2g fat, 3g carbs, and 2g protein.

2011 RobZFitness Fight For Air Photos

April 19, 2011 by  

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