
**FREE** Body Fat Tests

December 12, 2008 by  

Title: **FREE** Body Fat Tests
Location: RobZFitness
Start Time: 17:00
Date: 2008-12-15
End Time: 18:00

Closed for Christmas

December 12, 2008 by  

Title: Closed for Christmas
Location: RobZFitness
Start Time: 00:00
Date: 2008-12-25
End Time: 23:30

RobZFitness – College Football Bowl Challenge

December 8, 2008 by  

To accept the invitation, just click on the logo below.


Click on My Groups

Click on Join Group

Search for RobZFitness Bowl Mania

Group ID#: RobZFitness Bowl Mania
Password: RobZ-Football

Enter your first and last name as your team name

Compete against some of America’s greatest football experts.

(Trainers of RobZFitness).

Three overall prize winners.

(1st prize) wins a week of personal training at RobZFitness – if a you are a past client or non-member your free week will be applied toward any monthly membership.

(2nd prize) wins a 45 minute session training your favorite trainer

(3rd prize) wins a choice of any 5 lb container of your protein whey.

The only stipulation is if a trainer wins 1st, 2nd or 3rd place – nobody wins for that place of finish.

If you’re not a football guru, get your spouse, or somebody else involved to predict the football games for you.

Healing Your Body

October 23, 2008 by  

Healing Your Body



You are in control of and have total responsibility for your own health. The things you do, the things you eat, the drugs you take, the amount of exercise you get and the way you manage (or don’t manage) your stress all affect your health. You may not have control over everything, but it is your choice whether you enhance your body’s ability to be healthy or hinder it. The human body is a magnificent self-healing and regulating organism! This concept is unquestionably true but has been pushed aside by the thousands of messages you receive each day via the television, newspaper and magazines professing that your body needs drugs to help it heal. DON’T LISTEN TO THIS PROPAGANDA.

There are always going to be times when medications are going to help your body heal or function, but the key word is help. Please understand that your body heals from the inside out, not the outside in. This means that your body has an Innate (inborn) Intelligence that tells it how many breaths you need to take each minute, how many times your heart should pump, how your body should process nutrients, how to fight off bacteria and viruses and how to heal damaged cells, just to name a few. This innate intelligence or ‘wisdom of the body’ is what directs the healing. The healthy choices you make, including getting regular chiropractic care, eating right, & exercising all contribute to providing enough resources for your body to heal itself, as well as build and maintain muscle. On the other hand, being under high levels of stress, ingesting toxins (drugs and other toxic chemicals), having poor sleep, nutrition and exercise habits inhibit your body’s ability to heal.


Your health is a gift that is to be cherished and maintained. It is not something to be taken for granted. There are no ‘magic pills’ and ‘quick fixes’. Don’t focus on ‘Outside In’ healing. It is short term and the side effects can be terrible. Concentrate on ‘Inside Out’ healing. Enhance your body’s natural healing abilities. Support your body’s healing efforts and the results will be long-lasting. Health is defined as ‘Optimal physical, mental and social wellbeing, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.’ Good health is a lifestyle. It requires effort but the rewards derived are priceless and include: living longer, living more comfortably with the ability to do all the things you love and want to do; having enhanced energy; having enhanced mental focus and having a greater self-image. Chiropractic personifies the healthy lifestyle.


If you have any questions about how you can improve your health please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Anthony Albano, Jr.


Anthony Albano, Jr., D.C.

Albano Chiropractic Center, LLC

“Be Your Best”

2503 Hwy 60 East

Valrico, FL 33594

(813) 654-8400


Protected: RobZFitness (-)

October 8, 2008 by  

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