

July 21, 2008 by  

I have taken back control of my life”

After years of inconsistent dieting and exercise, the weight crept on slowly. Before long, I came to the realization that I was unfit, exhausted on a daily basis, and did not seem to have the ability to control my diet. As a result, my self-esteem had diminished and an obvious state of depression was in place. The depression and lack of self-esteem caused me to avoid friends and social functions, in addition, the foods I craved and ate were purely comfort foods. I felt as though I was losing control of my life. My concerns were legitimate due to the fact that I have two sisters who lost the battle with their weight. Both sisters underwent surgery due to obesity, gastric bypass and lap banding. I was terrified that I would be next. In fact, my husband and I had a few conversations regarding cosmetic surgery. In my mind, surgery would be the quick fix I needed to make me feel better about myself and a remedy to my lack of exercise and horrible eating habits.

At one of the lowest points in my depression, I noticed an article in the Osprey Observer. The article showcased a woman, about my age, who had changed her life with the help of the personal trainers at RobZFitness. As I read the article, I distinctly remember reading that a majority of Rob’s clients were women of my age. Afterwards, I walked straight to my computer and found Rob’s website and read about the trainers and the many wonderful success stories. I felt there might be a glimmer of hope for me too.

The next day, I contacted Rob for an initial consultation. My reservation about finding out the devastating news about the state of my body was relinquished when I met Rob. He immediately made me feel comfortable and continually impressed upon me that my goals were achievable. After speaking with my husband, I began my incredible journey with one of Rob’s most caring and knowledgeable trainers.

As a middle-aged woman, my road began at the bottom of the hill. My level of body fat was 30% and in better shape than only 32% of women my age. I was astonished by the fact that 40 pounds of my weight was fat. After rigorous workouts and following a supportive eating plan, I have lost 17 pounds and 14.43 total inches. Currently, my level of body fat is 17.8% and now I am in better shape than 92% of women my age. I still cannot believe that I met and surpassed the goals set at the beginning of my plan.

Even though my time has ended, I feel that I have taken back control of my life and learned how to successfully continue my journey. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at RobZFitness and will truly miss their passion of assisting people like me with meeting life-changing goals.

Vickie Wucher

Michele D’Alessio

July 21, 2008 by  

“I Lost 25 Pounds, Dress Size Went From 14 – 8”

I’ve never been what you would call a “health nut”, but I always managed to maintain my weight. Then I had children….then I started working full time, and like allot of people, the first thing that started to slip away was attention to myself. Although I didn’t notice it right away, it took a few years before one day I woke up and looked in the mirror and realized how far I had really sunk. The feeling reeked havoc on my self confidence. For a while I ignored it and thought that naturally I would get back to feeling good again. Then I tried with limited effort to diet, with small or sometimes no results except for more discouragement. I wasn’t sleeping well, I was winded when playing with my kids and had given into self sabotage with the mental attitude of “well I’m already fat I might as well eat what I want”. By the time I finally realized that the many half hearted attempts I made were doing more damage than good I had gained 50 pounds. The light bulb went on; it was time to start paying serious attention to myself again.

The first time I learned about RobZFitness was in the Osprey Observer; I had read a testimonial and was impressed and inspired by the story. Although impressive, for me, it was not enough to light the fire. Then a month later I saw one of my neighbors in passing and noticed how toned and slim she was looking and asked her what she had been up to, she mentioned she had been working out at RobZFitness for the last 3 months. So, that night I went online and looked them up. I read the trainers profiles and saw their photos and was immediately intimidated. I felt embarrassed that I had let myself slip away so much and was shameful of thought of having to bring that fact to light in front of someone who has made their life’s work health and fitness. Then I bumped into yet another neighbor who had mentioned she was also going there and at last I thought “this must be a sign”. It’s time to ask someone to help me with my goal.

The next day I called and Rob answered the phone he was friendly and eager to meet with me. I made an appointment for the very next week for a consultation. He made me feel at home and comfortable in my own skin.  The results are showing and although I am only half way to my weight loss goal, I have gone down 25 pounds, from a size 14 to an 8! I am now in the habit of fitting an hour of fitness into my day 6 days a week and I am confident I will maintain my routine, get back to my goal and continue to enjoy being healthy, making better meal choices each day, sleeping better and feeling self confident. I started out a “Hot Mess” now I feel like a “Hot Mamma”!

Michele D’Alessio

Novel “Buzz” Van Dyke

July 17, 2008 by  

“I Feel Great”

In middle of the 2007 golf season, I realized that, at the age of 58, I no longer had the strength, flexibility or endurance to execute a correct golf swing for 18 holes/five hours.  Therefore, when the season ended in late October, I enrolled in the three-times per week for three months program at RobZFitness, working with Taylor.

At the conclusion of the three months, I played in the first event of the 2008 Golf Channel Tour season.  I shot a 75 and won my flight by 3 strokes.  The last time that I shot a 75 was in 1994.  I gained back all the distance that I had lost over the previous four or five seasons and was able to execute my swing without any strain.

I have lost 18 pounds of fat and gained ten pounds of muscle and lost over 9% body fat.  I feel great and am not having the physical problems that had plagued me for the past few years.

Thanks Rob and thanks Taylor!

“Buzz” Van Dyke

Joe Tumlin

July 17, 2008 by  

“Physical fitness was at the bottom on my list of priorities”

As a husband and father of three children I have to say physical fitness was at the bottom on my list of priorities. I believe the commercial says, “Life Happens.” Between work, travel, family activities and so on, I couldn’t find the time to exercise. As I approached “40” I began to think how much longer I could maintain my current lifestyle and still be healthy enough to enjoy my children. That changed in May of 2007 when I decided to visit Rob Z Fitness. I had read many of the testimonials in The Osprey Observer and have to say I was a bit skeptical going into this. I just couldn’t believe all these people were losing 20, 30, 40 pounds or more. Rob and Davie were very courteous and professional during my initial consultation and I immediately felt relaxed and comfortable. What excited me the most was Rob’s enthusiasm and confidence with regards to my potential weight loss. He said it would be hard work but if I followed his plan losing 50 pounds would easily be attainable.

As I mentioned before, exercise and physical fitness has never been a priority in my life. Rob, Davie and Taylor treated me like gold and made it enjoyable to do something that quite frankly I never enjoyed doing. All of a sudden I didn’t mind getting up before work to go to the gym or going for a run at night after the kids were asleep instead of checking email or watching television. When your priorities change finding one hour a day to improve your health is not that difficult of a task.

Following Rob’s suggested eating and exercise plan I saw immediate results. I weighed in at 273 lbs on my first visit, now I weigh 213 lbs (60 lbs. fat loss). I lost over 35 pounds in the first 3 months and now after 6 months I have lost 60 pounds. I lost 6 inches around my chest, 8 inches each around my waist and hips. I have more energy than ever. I am stronger physically and mentally. The aches and pains that I associated with getting older are gone. And I feel great knowing I’m setting a good example for my children.

If you’re reading this and you have any doubts, like I did, I encourage you to give Rob a call. I’ve learned there is no quick fix to weight loss; you have to change your lifestyle. Proper nutrition and exercise are the keys, it’s that simple.

Joe Tumlin

Beth Shaub

July 17, 2008 by  

“I was tired of struggling on my own”

I came to RobZFitness because I was tired of struggling on my own to get my body back to what it was before children. I was tired of my clothes not fitting and having no energy. I went for my initial consultation with Rob and found out not only was I overweight, at 33.8% body fat, but I also had high blood pressure. I was in better shape than 7% of females my age. I knew I had to do something. I decided to make an investment in my health and join. I was very impressed with Rob’s knowledge and philosophies on nutrition, exercise, and weight loss. I knew he could give me the tools I needed to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. I believed in Rob, but most importantly, I believed in myself.

Maybe it was because I wanted to get the most out of my investment, but I took this new venture very seriously. I tried to follow everything that Rob and the other trainers said as closely as possible. It was so nice to have the personalized attention. Any question I could think of they were there with an answer. The first two weeks were tough because I was completely changing how I ate. No more diet sodas, no more finishing off my children’s snacks. I was amazed at how quickly I felt so much better. I no longer craved sweets or carbohydrates. I have been on many diets before, but this was the first one that I can say that I don’t feel hungry or deprived, honest!

After just one month, which included a week at Disney, I might add, I had lost a phenomenal 9.9% body fat! I knew I was onto something. The following two months I continued to work hard and stick very closely to the eating plan. At the end of 3 months my total body fat loss was 17.4%. I can now proudly say that I am in better shape than 86% of females my age. In three months I have gone from a size 12 to a size 4. My blood pressure is now well within normal range. My investment has paid off better than I could have ever imagined.

Thank you Rob, and all the trainers at RobZFitness, you have changed my life.

Beth Shaub

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