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July 13, 2008 by  

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Denise Atkinson

July 12, 2008 by  

“I’ve Always Considered Myself to Be Very Athletic”

Having competed in sports from softball, tennis and speedskating to a career in being a stuntwoman. I never had a problem motivating myself to work out and stay in shape, I always thought working out was fun and used it as an outlet to decompress after a long day. Then enter new baby, new job, new house (same husband), new stress, no time, no sleep….and hey an extra 20 lbs that liked hanging out with me. I’ve yo yo’d the 20 lbs during the last 3 years on and off (mostly on), basically by not eating and not exercising…not smart. I then saw an add for RobZFitness, a testimonial actually, that motivated me to pick up the phone and make an appointment. 

I was impressed with my initial meeting with Rob, although I’ve always been a bit skeptical of personal trainers as I’ve just never needed one, I decided to give it a shot, afterall what did I have to lose, besides my good friend, 20lbs? Enter trainer, Taylor Green, asking me my goals and he doesn’t flinch as I rattle off…lose fat, gain muscle, I want to be defined and I want to improve my endurance and I want to lift my behind back up where it used to be. I want to feel comfortable in my own skin again and feel good when I wear shorts! He said, “I can do that.”   He tells me, “You do your part, and I’ll do mine.”   “Um…ok,” I said, and with that we were off to the races. Oh, and did I mention I decided to hire a trainer right before Thanksgiving? This should be good, I thought.

Taylor coached me on my eating habits (giving up the sodas being the hardest part) and within the first month people were telling me, “You look like you’re losing weight,” my clothes started to fit loser and I felt more energetic. By the second month, people were saying, “You look like you’ve been working out.” Now that’s what I like to hear. Friends wondered how I was losing during the holidays and they were gaining. “What’s your secret?” they would ask ”Taylor Green is my secret,” but definitely a secret worth sharing. By the end of the third month my weight went from 160 to 144 and I went from a size 8 to a size 4 and lost almost 10% body fat. 

At 41 I feel great! Taylor Green possesses a special gift as a trainer and motivator and I am so thankful that he shared his gift with me. He has a way of making workouts enjoyable and not monotonous. He tracked my progress and made sure that I stayed on track to reach my goals and then some. I could tell after our first work out that Taylor has a passion for fitness and he was able to help me rediscover my own passion for fitness and my inner athlete that’s been MIA for the last few years.

Thanks to Taylor Green for giving me the gift of health and fitness.

Debbie Lambert

July 12, 2008 by  

“I needed motivation and a plan to eat better and exercise consistently”

I was very active growing up, so I went to college and became a physical education teacher. Being physically fit has always been important to me and until I turned 40, it was easy. I ate whatever I wanted but was active enough to burn the extra calories. I developed some bad habits – the main one was drinking sweet tea all day long.

I needed motivation and a plan to eat better and exercise consistently. I saw Rob’s personal training ad in the paper, so I called him. I have been going to the Campo YMCA since it opened several years ago and working out pretty consistently. I was going to Step class 2 to 3 times a week and BodyPump class 2 to 3 times a week, but I was not seeing the results I wanted.
One Friday evening, I went to one of Rob’s seminars and heard about the nutrition and training program that he and Davie were giving that night. After the seminar I signed up for 3 months. The first week was the hardest, just like they said it would be. I cut out sugar (withdrawal from sweet tea is not pretty) and ate small meals throughout the day. I am not a morning person, but I got up very early 3 mornings a week to train with Davie. I still went to my Step class at the Y to get my cardio in. It didn’t take long for my clothes to feel looser and looser. That motivated me more than anything else. People who I hardly knew would come up to me and ask me how I was losing the weight. Boy, did that make me feel good!
After 4 months I have went from weighing 159 to 142 lbs. (lost 17 lbs.) and decrease my body fat 12.1% from 28.9% to 16.8%. At 51 years old, I went from the 57th% ranking to the 96th % for my age group for fitness. It has become sort of a challenge to be creative about my meals and snacks. My husband is also involved in our menu planning and is much more aware of what he is eating too. My best friend, Beth, is also training with Rob and we discuss our meal planning quite often. It is much easier and more fun when you have people who are also interested in what you are doing. But the most exciting part of this whole process has been that all of my clothes have become way too big. I went from a size 10 to a size 4 and shopping for clothes has never been so much fun.
I am pretty much where I want to be in terms of weight and body fat, but I have learned a different way to look at training and nutrition. I want my body to always be a fat burning machine and I want to fuel it that way. These past 4 months have definitely been life changing for me and I hope to continue.
– Debbie Lambert


July 11, 2008 by  

 “I have Lupus”

“Because of the disease and the medication; I have gained a lot of weight over the past few years.  I was tired of feeling sick and tired…. I saw one of Rob’s testimonials in the paper last year and decided to give him a call, for me – gym’s did not work, sometimes getting out of bed is difficult, let alone the fact of driving to the gym and being left alone with all those machines, half the time not knowing what to do or if you are doing it right.  I am doing a lot of walking but needed to increase my bone density which is declining.” 

“Rob comes over once a week for me, rain or shine, Gets me going whether I want it or not.  I like the fact that on days when I ache, or I feel exhausted, he is willing to adapt, helps me, encourages me and on the good days, boy, he really gets me going, challenges me to do the best that I can.  I feel more confident about myself, my clothes fit better than ever, have more energy but the most important thing for me is I feel stronger and that’s what gets me going every Tuesday morning when he shows up whether want it or not.”  For more information about Rob’s programs go to or call him at (813) 571-3700.

Christine Lacasse

Bob Fulton

July 10, 2008 by  

“I did not think I was out of shape”

“I exercised regularly, alternating cardiovascular workouts with modest strength training. I had completed the Breast Cancer 3-Day 60 mile walk last year without any difficulty. I thought I was doing well for age 37. Unfortunately, I was wrong…”

“In my first meeting with Rob, I learned I was not in great (or even good) shape. I also learned that I had a fairly high body fat content (26.2%). I knew I needed to change my diet because of a family history of cardiovascular disease but I never followed through with eating better. I was always saying I’ll change next year. Rob’s program changed all of that. I’m getting in better shape and feeling healthier.”

“I have worked out with Rob for 3 months now and have seen tremendous results. I have lost almost 20 pounds and over 10 percent of my body fat (26.2% to 16.1%). I have lost over 2 inches in my hips and almost 2 inches around my waist. I’ve had to buy new suits and new casual clothes because of my weight loss. More importantly, my cardiovascular fitness is better and I am getting much stronger. I no longer only work out when it’s convenient. Instead, working out has become a priority because it makes me feel better.”

“Rob’s proper eating plan is easy to follow and I don’t “fall off the wagon” because of the flexibility of the program. My eating habits are now much better and because of the flexibility of the plan, I don’t feel as if I’m deprived of the foods I want.”

“I want to see my three young children grow old. I want to play sports with them and remain active. Training with Rob and following his plan motivates me to do just that. I recommend Rob to anyone who is trying to get in better shape. In fact, my wife is training with Rob and is seeing results that are just as good, if not better.”

Bob F

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