Tonya Fulton
July 10, 2008 by RobZ
Mike Magnant
July 10, 2008 by RobZ
“Life changes daily, we notice some of them but most things are so small they go mostly unnoticed. So over the past 10 years, the most unnoticed changes totaled up to 18 lbs, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. There had been the occasional words from a Doctor or two about the need to exercise twice per week, but workout apathy and “I’m eating OK” were among those things that did not change.”
‘Until I met Rob.”
“It almost happened by accident, a family member made the decision to change and in my effort to support his decision, I joined Tom for a 50 minute workout twice per week, killing two birds with one stone.”
“Then it happened again.”
“Just like the mostly unnoticed changes, time past and I’ve come to look forward to Monday and Thursday evenings as well as the 1-2 other “cardio” workouts per week that have joined together with Rob’s help to remove the results of the last 10 years in just over 10 weeks. Now it has been over 6 months and I’m learning to maintain my new body.”
“Rob changed my life, he can change yours. Join Us!”
For more information about Zukoski or RobZFitness, call Rob at 571-3700 or visit
Paula Hutchinson
July 10, 2008 by RobZ
“I’ve been fit my entire life and within the past 2 years I began to notice the weight and my pant size gradually increase. When I began with RobZFitness back in Jan 2007 I was just moving up to a size 12. My energy levels were depleted and my mood swings were very apparent to everyone around me. I was not sleeping very well and my appetite was out of control with the feeling of hunger all the time. I was trying to exercise daily but with the demands of my days, I was finding myself at the end of the day saying “I’ll do it tomorrow”. I began to face some physical limitations along with health concerns due to the weight I was putting on and knew it was time for change.”
“Some may think that the cost of a personal trainer is too costly, and so did I. By allocating the cost of my health and what I was spending on junk food, groceries, and fast food restaurants (approx. 3-4 times per week) the actual comparison is astounding. Although your spending for training is all up front, your spending for an unhealthy lifestyle including all the added expenses of bigger clothing, Dr. visits, medication, etc. is over a period of time. I believe Personal training wins hands down. I really needed someone who would hold me accountable and get me moving forward with “No Excuses”.”
“My trainer, Davie Ferraro, teaches me all the latest and greatest exercises in the gym, he has instilled within me all the healthy eating habits that goes along with my weight training. Their sound nutritional plan is a key to my success and it works; just look at my results. Within 18 sessions I was down 5% of body fat, I went from a size 12 to an 8, and my strength training is up approx. 25%. My energy levels are sustained and I’m just a happier person to be around. I’m eating 3 meals a day and supplementing with 3-4 meals with quality protein shakes that falls within their eating plan. I no longer have that feeling of hunger all the time, I’m losing inches and I’m being held accountable.”
“I have to admit that I was nervous about working out in what seemed to be a gentlemen’s gym, but now feel part of a family. The atmosphere is professional and the gym is clean. The dedication of the trainers Rob & Davie motivates me to be a better trainee and overall a better person. So if you are looking to lose those unwanted pounds or just firm everything up consider RobZ Fitness, you will only be receiving your “Personal Best Fitness Training“. For more information go to or call 813-571-3700.”
A True Believer since Jan ’07,
Paula Hutchinson
Ron Sumner
July 10, 2008 by RobZ
“All I wanted to do was sleep”
“As I entered the year that is mostly associated with (OLD AGE 60), I was not of good health either mentally or physically. My blood pressure was substantially above acceptable levels and many of my blood measurements were in the unacceptable range. I had been able to dodge the major illnesses but my body was beginning to break down. My knees ached all of the time and my thoughts were that surely I would need a transplant just to remain mobile. My thoughts focused on the advertisement for the (HOVERROUND). God forbid!!!!! At that time I weighed 228 pounds, and all I wanted to do was sleep.”
“We attend the church that one of Rob’s students attend and had seen the extremely positive results that he had achieved and decided to give Rob a try. I would like to say that the process has been easy and effortless but that would not be true. I have been under Rob’s direction for roughly four months and have been very pleased with the results. My lowest weight achieved to this date is 189 pounds and I continue to lose even more. My body fat percentage has dropped from 35.5% to 23.6%. My blood pressure and blood measurements are now in the normal ranges again and my knees don’t hurt at all. My energy level is much better and as I enter my later years I feel ready for whatever is around the corner. The bonus to all of the work is the formula that has been given to me for fitness and good health for the rest of my life. Rob’s system works!!!” For more information about Zulkoski or RobZFitness, call Rob at 571-3700 or visit
Ron Sumner
Jalena Bradley
July 10, 2008 by RobZ
“I never knew exactly what to do “
“After having two kids, one day I realized I was not happy with how I had let my body go. This was not who I was. I began working out on my own, but saw minimal results. I never knew exactly what to do or how to do it. That’s when I saw Rob’s personal training ad and I thought maybe that’s what I needed to get back into shape.”
“After training with Rob at my house for 4 months, I had lost almost 6% body fat. My clothes were fitting better and I was learning the correct way to exercise. At the end of those 4 months I decided to try exercising on my own. The positive results stopped. I realized I needed the motivation, accountability and expertise of a trainer; especially one like Rob. He encourages me to push myself. Even when I feel like I can’t do another push-up, he convinces me that I can do at least one more. I believe him and I actually do it! That’s a great feeling.”
“I called Rob again when he opened his new studio off Lithia Pinecrest. There are so many more exercises we can do now with his new equipment. I worked hard that first month back, but I did not follow Rob’s eating plan as closely as I should have nor did I do the cardio activity I needed to do. The results were lacking. Every measurement for body fat was exactly the same as the month before. It was disappointing, but it proved to me that Rob’s plan really works.”
“After those limited results, I was determined to stick to the plan. I still worked hard with Rob and Davie in the fitness center, but I also stayed on the eating plan and did cardio activity on my days in between strength training. One month later, my body fat is down almost 3%. I have now gone from a size 8 to a 4.”
“Both Rob and Davie know how to get the results you need in order to change your body. They make workouts fun, everything from jumping rope to tricks with playing cards. If you are ready to change your lifestyle and your body, call RobZ Fitness at (813) 571-3700 or go to for more information.”
Jalena B