
Emilio Rivera

July 10, 2008 by  

Losing Weight the Zulkoski Way

By Lisa Mook Sang – Osprey Observer

He doesn’t call it his trophy belt for nothing.

The belt, which used to fit a size 48-inch waist, now has had to be adjusted to fit 59-year-old Emilio Rivera’s 36-inch waist, as the Bloomingdale resident lost 50-pounds following RobZFitness owner Rob Zulkoski’s weight-loss program. “It practically wraps wound my body. It’s my key, I just look at my belt to get my inspiration,” Rivera said. “I’ve had to punch seven holes in it just so it will fit.” Since late February, Rivera has been training regularly with Zulkoski with the goal of losing weight by his son’s wedding in July. “I just wanted to look good in the wedding pictures,” Rivera said. But he did even better by losing a staggering 50-pounds in just four-and-a-half months. “I feel younger, energized and it’s fun because now I can buy normal clothes,” Rivera said.

Before starting the weight-loss program Rivera was on a list of medications to treat health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes. However, after working with Zulkoski, his doctor took him off all of his medications. “Through his exercise and nutrition program my health had improved so much my doctor took me off my medicine and just told me to keep doing what I was doing,” Rivera said. Through a strict diet and exercise routine, Rivera went from 240-pounds to 190 in just four-and-a-half months.

“At first it was hard, but now it’s natural thing, and I never thought I’d say that, ” Rivera said. “It’s been an eye opener and now it’s become my lifestyle.” Zulkoski is no ordinary trainer either. He brings the program to your own home, and uses only free weights to whip you into shape. He also brings a more personal touch to the business. “His program is great, you don’t have to do the weight-loss program, but just be fit… he’s the man,” Rivera said. “He’s there for you, it’s almost like you have a personal relationship with him.” For more information about Zukoski or RobZFitness, call Rob at 571-3700 or visit

**LIVE** TV Shows – Every Wednesday 12:00pm

July 6, 2008 by  

Covering topics related to Personal Training [Read more]

RobZFitness Video – Tip of the Week

July 6, 2008 by  

Fitness Tip #6

(double click picture)

Davie Ferraro

July 1, 2008 by  

DavieDavie Ferraro

I have been a long time friend of 15 years with Rob Zulkoski. Rob was after me for three years to come on board and help expand the business and change the way people feel and look for the better. It was a long time passion of mine to be fit and to do it the right way and I joined with Rob and RobZFitness on December 1st 2007.

I was born and raised in Tampa, FL and now reside in Brooksville, FL. I am a graduate of the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a minor in Management and Sales in Agribusiness. I am a Certified Personal Trainer through Aerobics and Fitness Association of America. I have been married to my wife Robin since March 25, 2006 and we are cherishing our bundle of joy, Emma Kate, who was born on August 10th 2007.

I grew up learning and experiencing the outdoors that God created for us with my father. I am proud to say that I am an avid outdoorsman who enjoys both fresh and saltwater fishing, hunting whitetails, hogs, and turkeys, four-wheeling, fitness and most of all, time with my family and friends. I am a huge fan of country music and my favorite artist is George Strait.

I was introduced to the fitness industry when I was a junior at the University of Florida. It was my goal to reduce body fat, increase lean muscle, and to achieve the most desired “six pack”. By making a change in my lifestyle, exercise program, and with a sound nutritional program I was able to reach my goals. Little did I know that I could take it this far. And oh by the way, I did it the “natural way”. I have had my body fat tested at 3.6% and Rob constantly reminds me of it every day by not allowing me to slack off. There is one thing that separates both Rob and I from other trainers…it’s that we walk the walk and talk the talk.

Both Rob and I are very passionate about what we do. Nothing excites us more than watching our clients reach their goals. Rob and I are committed to get you the ultimate strategy for lifetime physique transformation through a sound nutritional lifestyle and exercise. If you are ready to get in the best shape of your life, join us today. Our motto is “Always train to gain, never to maintain.” So give it your best and make the time each and every day.

Certified Trainers

July 1, 2008 by  

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